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Xi Măng Hà Tiên - 04 TQT Khí Thải Tự Động, Liên Tục

Ha Tien Cement – 04 Automatic and Continuous Emission Monitoring Stations

After being put into operation, the environmental monitoring system will help Ha Tien Cement NM ensure the quality of emissions into the environment, while also helping to control the performance of the dust filter system and exhaust fans, optimizing costs. manufacture.

Ha Tien Cement NM has just completed acceptance and put into use 04 automatic and continuous emission monitoring stations. Automatic and continuous exhaust gas monitoring station


  • Project: Automatic and continuous emission monitoring at Ha Tien Cement Joint Stock Company
  • Number of stations: 04
  • Partners: CODEL
  • Monitoring parameters: Flow, Total Dust, Temperature and Pressure
  • Time: 3/2021
  • Location: Kien Giang Province

Please contact Viet An immediately via hotline 𝟎𝟗𝟎𝟏 𝟑𝟕𝟗 𝟏𝟏𝟔 to get advice on emission monitoring solutions that suit the requirements for your business!

Why must install an emission monitoring station?

Emission monitoring helps evaluate the efficiency of the production process, evaluate the exhaust treatment system and at the same time provide data to serve local environmental management.

Closely monitoring emissions helps businesses develop environmental status reports and support pollution control. From there, evaluate the compliance of production facilities with environmental emission standards.

According to Circular 10/2021/BTNMT regulating automatic and continuous exhaust gas monitoring stations, Business establishments and manufacturing plants of all types that generate emissions that pollute the air environment need to Perform automatic and continuous environmental monitoring


Ha Tien Cement Joint Stock Company




Time: 3/2021

Measured parameters

Flow, Total Dust, Temperature and Pressure


Kien Giang Province

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