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More about METONE

Viet An Enviro is an authorized partner of METONE

Met One Instruments Powered by Acoem designs and manufactures accurate and reputable meteorological measuring equipment from the US


Met One Instruments Powered by Acoem

Met One Instrument Powered by Acoem is in the business of measuring ambient air and monitoring air quality — factors that affect everyone on Earth. The company was founded in 1989 with the main aim of simplifying and improving the user experience.

Met One Instruments Powered by Acoem

As one of the most experienced instrument manufacturers established in the United States, known for its high-quality measurement tools used by government agencies, research institutes and industries worldwide, Met One Instruments Powered by Acoem sets high standards for all measured.

The device has a long life, even in harsh weather conditions. METONE designs have been in the field for over 30 years.

Measurement equipment is always the most reliable and accurate thanks to strict compliance with ISO procedures and guidelines

METONE solutions

Monitor air quality according to regulations

High-quality devices for government and local agencies around the world, helping ensure air quality, health and safety, and regulatory compliance.

Additional surveillance devices and informal information provision

Environmental air sample monitors and particle counters for measuring air quality indicators are not restricted by government or local regulations.

Carbon Black gauges

Black Carbon monitoring solutions help accurately quantify, monitor and thereby control Black Carbon emissions.

Monitor indoor air

Portable particle counters and machines monitor indoor air quality, spot-check or verify clean spaces, and test HVAC air filter performance.

Cleanroom monitoring and controlled environments

Verification testing establishes periodic or continuous monitoring points where accurate particle counters are used to measure the amount of particles in the air.

Khí tượng học

Không chỉ các sản phẩm của chúng tôi chịu được môi trường ngoại trời khắc nghiệt nhất, mà chúng cũng dễ lắp đặt và được thiết kế bền bỉ.

Gas analysis equipment

New collection of gas analysis instruments with 15 new products, including ten gas analyzers, four gas calibrators and one low-volume air sampler.

Material dust particle meter and sampler

Met One Instruments, Inc. provides accurate and reliable monitoring equipment to measure and report carbon concentrations in the air.

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