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Published July 14, 2023 10:13am

Viet An Technical Training Center shares knowledge

Viet An is always committed to putting employee development first, and an important part of this commitment is investing in internal training. Training is a bridge between theoretical and practical knowledge, helping Viet An's engineers master the principles and operations of measuring equipment, water quality analysis equipment, and automatic environmental monitoring stations. dynamic. Today, we are proud to announce the inauguration of Viet An Technical Training Center.

Optimal Training Platform Viet An Technical Training Center is designed to provide an optimal training platform. With a focus on quality and performance, we are committed to providing students with extensive knowledge and practical practical skills. The instructors are leading industry experts, ready to share their experiences and provide step-by-step guidance.

Mission and Commitment The mission of Viet An Technical Training Center is to improve the capacity and knowledge of Viet An's team of engineers, helping them meet all challenges in the field of environmental measurement and monitoring. We are committed to providing leading courses and training programs to help you develop and reach the top of your career.

Kết Thúc Hào Hứng Chúng tôi rất hào hứng với việc khánh thành Trung Tâm Đào Tạo Kỹ Thuật Việt An, và chúng tôi rất mong được chia sẻ kiến thức và kỹ năng vượt bậc với bạn. Hãy cùng nhau xây dựng tương lai tươi sáng và phát triển bền vững trong lĩnh vực đo và quan trắc môi trường.

Viet An Technical Training Center – Sharing Knowledge, Creating Excellence

Viet An is always committed to putting employee development first, and an important part of this commitment is investing in internal training. Training is a bridge between theoretical and practical knowledge, helping Viet An's engineers master the principles and operations of measuring equipment, water quality analysis equipment, and automatic environmental monitoring stations. dynamic. Today, we are proud to announce the inauguration of Viet An Technical Training Center.

Optimal Training Platform Viet An Technical Training Center is designed to provide an optimal training platform. With a focus on quality and performance, we are committed to providing students with extensive knowledge and practical practical skills. The instructors are leading industry experts, ready to share their experiences and provide step-by-step guidance.

Mission and Commitment The mission of Viet An Technical Training Center is to improve the capacity and knowledge of Viet An's team of engineers, helping them meet all challenges in the field of environmental measurement and monitoring. We are committed to providing leading courses and training programs to help you develop and reach the top of your career.

Kết Thúc Hào Hứng Chúng tôi rất hào hứng với việc khánh thành Trung Tâm Đào Tạo Kỹ Thuật Việt An, và chúng tôi rất mong được chia sẻ kiến thức và kỹ năng vượt bậc với bạn. Hãy cùng nhau xây dựng tương lai tươi sáng và phát triển bền vững trong lĩnh vực đo và quan trắc môi trường.





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By Phuc Nguyen

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