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Published April 30, 2023 9:26am

Gift for April 30th: Spirit of Unity and Sustainable Development

Giving Holiday Gifts - Meaningful Spiritual Gifts. Viet An always put the interests and development of employees first. We believe that only a strong and united team can ensure the success and sustainability of the company. On the occasion of celebrating the Liberation Day of the South and reunifying the country (April 30) and International Labor Day (May 1), we organized a special event to express our gratitude and acknowledge the contributions of everyone. staff team.

Giving Holiday Gifts - Meaningful Spiritual Gifts Viet An Company organized holiday gifts for all employees. This is not only a material gift, but also a spiritual message of encouragement and motivation. This holiday gift shows gratitude and appreciation for those who have devoted, made efforts, and made significant contributions to help the company develop over the past time. We understand that a strong company relies not only on technology and processes, but also on the people behind every success.

Encourage and Encourage Spirit Viet An Company understands that spirituality is an important factor in work and personal development. We want to ensure that every employee feels motivated and encouraged in their daily work journey. Holiday gifts are not only gratitude, but also a way for us to express our gratitude and encourage the spirit of all employees in Viet An company.

Sustainable Development The company hopes that the efforts and dedication of all employees will help the company grow. We commit that we will continue to invest in the development of our employees, ensuring they have the best working environment to develop themselves. We believe that personal development is the foundation to achieve goals and continue to be a trusted and reputable address in the industry.

Let's join hands to develop and build a bright future. Thank you customers for trusting and supporting Viet An company. We will constantly strive to bring the best values.





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By Phuc Nguyen

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