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Published January 16, 2023 6:37am

Viet An Northern Region Summary of Awards 2022

Spring atmosphere is filling the entire Viet An Northern office. With the 2022 Closing Ceremony, we have the opportunity to gather, enjoy a warm space and be filled with faith in the challenges of the new year. The ceremony is not only an opportunity to summarize the achievements of a year full of difficulties and challenges, but also an opportunity to motivate and encourage individuals who have successfully completed assigned tasks, while also demonstrating their The company's Board of Directors deeply cares for all employees.

Viet An Northern Region Summary of Awards 2022
Viet An Northern Region Summary of Awards 2022

The year 2022 has passed with many opportunities and challenges, but we have proudly overcome barriers, faced difficulties and achieved significant achievements. All the efforts and contributions of each individual in Viet An Northern Region have made our company stronger and more successful.

Việt An not only a company, but also a family, a team united and determined to achieve noble goals. With the combination of knowledge, skills, and dedication, we have conquered many challenges. And let's continue to walk steadily on the path we have chosen, together achieving our ambitious goals in 2023.

Viet An Northern Region Summary of Awards 2022
Viet An Northern Region Summary of Awards 2022

The new year is a new page, a new opportunity to grow and face the next challenges. Viet An Northern region continues to step forward, overcome all difficulties and achieve ambitious goals in 2023. Together, we will go further, building a bright future and sustainable development for Viet An Northern Region.
Wishing everyone a successful and successful new year!





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By Phuc Nguyen

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